WE MUST TEST THE SPIRITS TO KNOW IF THEY ARE OF GOD! / Contrasts And Comparisons of 1 John
Delivered By
Dr Tom Hover
Delivered On
October 23, 2022
WE MUST TEST THE SPIRITS TO KNOW IF THEY ARE OF GOD! / Contrasts And Comparisons of 1 John

Authentic Christianity
Main Scripture Text: I John 4:1–6 Put it to the test. 
Introduction: The Bible says in:  I Thessalonians 5:21, Acts 17:11
A. We Know False Spirits and False Prophets by Their Method   Jude 4, Genesis 3:1, John 8:44
B. We Know False Spirits and False Prophets by Their Motive  II Peter 2:1–4
C. We Know False Spirits and False Prophets by Their Morals   Jude 4
D. We Know False Spirits and False Prophets by Their Ministry  Matthew 7:15–16
E. We Know False Spirits and False Prophets by Their Message  I John 4:2-3, II Corinthians 11:4,13-15
I.  We Test a False Spirit and Prophet by the Word of God   
I John 4:6, I  John 1:1–3, Ephesians 2:20, Three times Jesus said in those three temptations, “Satan, it is written …”; “It is written …”; “It is written.” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10), Psalm 138:2  
II.  We Test a False Spirit and Prophet by the Son of God   I John 4:3-4, I John 4:2-3
Jesus is His earthly name. Christ, which means “Messiah,” “the Anointed One,” “the Appointed One,” is His divine title.  Revelation 1:12–13, I Timothy 3:16, Revelation 1:12–13, I John 4:3, I John 2:22, II John 7–9, 1 John 4:2, I John 4:9, I Timothy 3:16
III.  We Test a False Spirit and Prophet by the Spirit of God   
I John 4:4-6, Matthew 24:24, John 10:4, John 3:27, I Corinthians 12:3
Conclusion:  I John 4:4, John 14:6
Closing with: Room for Jesus  (Using My Geo-Metric Illustration)

Contrasts And Comparisons of 1 John
(Lagniappe from First John)
One of the most effective ways of teaching is using contrasts and comparisons.   For example, I might contrast what it means to be a male with what it means to be a female. I might highlight the attributes of a tall person by standing him next to a short person. Boy/girl. Big/small. Fast/slow. Up/down. North/South. East/West. Winner/loser. These are all simple examples, but we use this teaching technique all the time. And this technique is not new. The apostle John also found drawing comparisons and contrasts to be an effective means of teaching theology and spiritual truth.
Throughout 1 John, the apostle draws our attention to various contrasts:
1. Walk In Darkness/Walk In Light I John 1:6–7
2. Say We Have No Sin/Confess Our Sins I John 1:8–9
3. Keep God’s Commands / Do Not Keep God’s Commands   I John 2:3–5
4. Those Who Love The World/Those Who Love The Father   I John 2:15
5. They/Us  I  John 2:19
7. Antichrist/Christ  I John 2:22–23          
8. Deny Christ/Confess Christ I John 2:23
9. Confident At Christ’s Coming/Ashamed At Christ’s Coming  I John 2:28  
10. Those Who Commit Sin/Those Who Do What Is Right   I John 3:4–7
11. Children Of The Devil/Children Of God  I John 3:10
12. Hates His Brother / Loves His Brother  I John 3:10ff  John will now develop this last theme of hate/love as he moves us into the second major section of this letter. In 1:5–3:10 the message was “God is Light.” Now in 3:11–5:12 the message is “God is Love.”
Remember what He said in John 13:35:
I John 3:11–18
I. Love One Another and Do Not Follow the Example of Cain
(I John 3:11–15)
A. Love is at the heart of the gospel. I John 3:11–18
B. Love provides assurance that we have eternal life.    I John 3:14-15  
II. Serve One Another and Follow the Example of Jesus   
(I John 3:16–18).
A. Service to others may mean dying.
I John 3:16
B. Service to others always involves giving.
I John 3:17-18