Delivered By
Dr Tom Hover
Delivered On
July 21, 2024


(The Sounding of the Seventh Trump, and The Woman)

Revelation 10:7, 11:14-19 and 12:1-17

Introduction: The Seventh Trump Began to Sound and then the Seventh Trump Sounded!


1.) The Mystery of God’s Promise Fulfilled. Revelation 10:7

This same Greek word is used in: I Corinthians 15:51-52 How Many Trumpets before the Last Trump? Matthew 24:32–39, Luke 21:25–28, I Thessalonians 4:13–18 Note How: I Thessalonians 4:16 Compares to Revelation 10:7 Note: Revelation 10:7, Revelation 11:15, I Thessalonians 5:9, Compare Matt. 24:15-21 with Daniel. 9:27

2.) The Speed of God’s Woe to Come. Revelation 11: 14

3.) The Gain of God’s Kingdom Displayed. Revelation 11:15 Revelation 16:1, The kingdoms of this world will be completely overthrown by the coming kingdom of Christ (19:11-21; Daniel 2:34,35,44), who will reign for ever and ever

(Daniel 7: verses 13, 14 and 27).

4.) The Worship of God’s Person Manifested. Revelation 11:16-17

5.) The Wrath of God’s Judgement Is Come. Revelation 11:18

6.) The Rewards for God’s People Are Given. Revelation 11:18, Matthew 5:12, Psalm 16:11

7.) The Revelation of God’s Power Displayed. Revelation 11:19

1. This Reveals the Will of God. “Then the temple of God was opened in heaven"

2. This Reveals the Word of God. " And the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple"

3. This Reveals the Ways of God. "And there were lightnings, noises, thundering’s, an earthquake, and great hail.”


The next few verses scripture seems to teach and explain to us future prophecies through an analogy or allegory of past history. The Prophetic Allegory of Revelation 12 Revelation 12:1 Who is this Women? This Woman is the Nation Israel.

A.) The Woman Described.

1. Note The Woman’s Clothes. Revelation 12:1, Genesis 37:9-11

According to how Jacob himself interpreted this:

* Sun = Jacob (Israel) [Rev.12 woman: clothed with the sun, identified by her clothing which is Israel]

* Moon = Rachel (mom) [Rev12. woman: standing upon]

* 11 stars = 11 brothers [Rev12. woman: crowned with the 12 tribes of Israel (their father). We see the 12 tribes identified with the doorways in and out of New Jerusalem as well. Revelation 21:12 A great wonder (sign) in heaven a woman: * Clothed with the sun - The 12 tribes of Israel were borne through Jacob, their father. Being clothed with him is like an identity for the woman. When you see the woman, clothed with her father, Jacob, it represents all of his literal seed, the Jews, what we call the nation of Israel.

* Moon under her feet - Genesis 3:15 prophesies of the coming Messiah through the seed of the woman. (It is the man who has the seed) The lineage of Christ actually came through the woman, Mary, and in the symbology of this woman in Revelation 12:2, being Israel, shows that Christ came from the nation of Israel. Revelation 12:2,5 Christ, the man-child was born of a virgin through the nation of Israel, the tribe of Judah. He was bruised by Lucifer (the cross for our sins) and Christ will crush Lucifer's head (his ultimate defeat in the end). I believe the woman standing on the moon demonstrates this relationship of the woman as being the foundation of the nation of Israel and the fulfillment of this prophecy.

2. Note The Woman’s Crown. Revelation 12:1

* Crown of 12 stars on her head - The 12 tribes of Israel are also represented as the 12 pearl gates into New Jerusalem.

3. Note The Woman’s Child. Revelation 12:2, Romans 9:4-5, Revelation 12:2,5

4. Note The Woman’s Community. Revelation 12:6, Zechariah 12:2, Psalm 122:6

B.) The Woman and The Great Red Dragon. Revelation 12:3-4

When John tells us that the devils' tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to earth, he is describing the original demonic uprising against God. Satan somehow managed to convince a third of all God's angels to join him in his rebellion; these beings we now call "demons" or "fallen angels."

1. Note The Descriptions of The Dragon. Revelation 12:3

The seven crowned heads mean universal rule, and the ten horns mean world power to the utmost. His ten horns show Satan's connection with the fourth beast of Daniel 7 (verses 7 and 24) and with the Beast from the sea in Chapter 13 of Revelation 12:9

2. Note The Disciples of The Dragon. Revelation 12:4

3. Note The Designs of The Dragon. Revelation 12:4, Zechariah 13:8,9,

Revelation 11:15