Dr Tom Hover
December 1, 2024
II Kings 6:1-7 / Acts 3
Text: II Kings 6:1-7
Introduction: Do you remember the times in your service to God when it seemed everything you did turned out right? At other times, everything you did seemed to be wrong. You know, “Today a Peacock and tomorrow a feather duster.” Do you ever feel like you have lost that cutting edge that you once chopped with, and it cut so well. Then, this sermon is for you!
A.) Some Work Hard and Yet Accomplish Little.
It could be that they are chopping with a dull ax. Ecclesiastes 10:10
Don’t just work harder, work smarter! Proverbs 8:11
B.) Some Lose Their Ax! When one loses his ax, the work comes to a complete stop! Have you lost your keen cutting edge? Does your witness and service for God seem to be ineffective? Let’s learn some spiritual and practical lessons from this fascinating Old Testament story.
Let’s notice that: I. THE CUTTING EDGE IS LOANED.
A.) Someone Cared Enough to Share.
1. The ax was loaned to do the work of God.
2. We are on loan to do the work of God. I Corinthians 6:19-20
B.) Someone Thought the Worth of The Work Was More Important Than the Cost of The Ax. The ax back then is equivalent to loaning your only car today.
1. The work of God is worth it. 2. The workers of God are worth it.
C.) Someone Was Willing to Work. 1. The child of God should never be afraid of hard work. Ephesians 2:10, II Corinthians 6:1
A.) How Was It Lost?
1. It was lost while being “diligent” in the daily work of God. Example: Joseph and Mary lost Christ while being fervently engaged in religious activity. Example: Martha and Mary Example: One minute Peter was being praised by Jesus, and moments later, Jesus said get behind me Satan.
Example: Acts 6:2 2. It was lost by being “negligent” in the daily watch for God. Someone was careless while they worked. I Peter 5:8
B.) Some Interesting Things to Note: Even though he lost his ax head, he did not lose his knowledge about cutting trees. Also, even though he lost his cutting edge, he did not leave or give up.
A.) Realize Your Great Loss! II Kings 6:5
Example: Samson’s loss and realization of his emptiness. Judges 16:19-21
B.) Recognize Your Master. II Kings 6:5 “Alas, Master”
C.) Return to The Place Where You Lost It. II Kings 6:6
Example: Jacob
D.) Rely on The Divine Work of God. II Kings 6:6 “And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.”
1. The Divine Work of God Pictures Jesus. Think with me a little bit. The prophet - “he cut down a stick” Our Lord Jesus is often referred to in the Bible as “a Branch”. Isaiah 11:1. (God helps us get a new handle on things.) The Prophet “cut down”. Jesus was cut off. Read Isaiah 53:8, “He was cut off out of the land the living:” The Prophet also cast down the stick. Did not God the Father send Jesus our Lord down to earth that He might save those who trust Him? John 10:17-18 2. The Divine Work of God Produces Action.
II Kings 6:6 “and the iron did swim.”
E.) Render Obedience II Kings 6:7 "Therefore said he, Take it up to thee. And he put his hand, and took it.” Our Christian service is not a matter of feeling - it is a matter of obedience. We should obey every command of God for it is to our benefit to do so. (Don’t insult God by saying He can’t use you. It may seem unbelievable at times, but reach out and grab hold of the will of God. Be obedient.)
Conclusion: In this unique story, we learn so much! We have seen how our great God can take a life that is lost in the muddy waters of defilement and death and raise it to new life and power. Keep in mind, your cutting edge is loaned. It can be lost, but thank God, it can be located and recovered. Although a believer can never lose the person of the Holy Spirit, he can lose His presence and power. We must not, and we dare not lose our cutting edge. Your cutting edge must be sharp and in use every day. If it is ever lost, it must without delay be recovered! Psalm 118:24
PM Service 6 pm
Text: Acts 3
Number one: God blesses people who are doing the right things. Acts 3:1
Number Two: God blesses people who are willing to be interrupted.
Acts 3:2-3
Number Three: God blesses people who pay attention to needs. Acts 3:4
Number Four: God blesses people who inspire hope in others. Acts 3:4-5
Number Five: God blesses people who use what they have. Acts 3:6
Number Six: God blesses people who realize their source of giving is from God. Acts 3:6
Number Seven: God blesses people who are willing to try and trust God to do the rest. Acts 3:7
Number Eight: God blesses people who want God to receive the glory in their giving. Acts 3:8-16