Jesus Is the Word  of God in Flesh! / John 1 The Overview
Delivered By
Dr. Tom Hover
Delivered On
September 19, 2021
Jesus Is the Word  of God in Flesh! / John 1 The Overview

Jesus Is the Word 
of God in Flesh! 
John 1:1-18 
The Gospel of John was the last of the four Gospels written. The author, Apostle John wrote the last five books of the New Testament, and some believe the Gospel of John was the last written of these five books. The Gospel of John is not a collection of the experiences of Christ but a careful selection of material to support the opening text of John regarding the identity of Christ. The Gospel of John was penned by the aged Apostle in about 85 AD. It was the last of the four Gospels to be written. By the time this book was circulated among the Christian community, the other Gospels were household words. People the world over had already the accounts of the life of Christ as recorded by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. These first three Gospels are called the Synoptic Gospels. The word "synoptic” means "to see together.” This means that the first three Gospels contain many of the same stories and teachings but told from a different angle. Yet, each fully inspired by the Lord.
John's Gospel is different! In the pages of this wonderful book, we see a side of Christ that the other Gospel writers do not touch on.  John was part of that blessed inner circle.  That handful of Disciples that was with Christ during some of His most intimate moments. In this Gospel John gives us 21 blessed chapters. Chapters that, as each unfolds, presents a new facet of His divine character. As time goes by, I intend to preach from each of these portraits of Christ that John gives us. We will call this series Portraits of Christ in John's Gallery.  In this opening chapter, John paints a picture of Jesus: The Word of God, and it that image I want you to see today. Let's look together at Jesus Is the Word of God in Flesh!  Three truths are revealed in these verses about the Word of God.
I. Jesus Is the Preexistent Word    John 1:1-3
A. He Is the Constant Word  John 1:1a
B. He Is the Communing Word    John 1:1b
Genesis 1:26, Revelation 13:8, Titus 1:2, I Peter 1:19-20
C. He Is the Controversial Word  John 1:1c
Mark 1:15, John 3:2, Luke 4:36, John 19:7,John 14:9, Philippians 2:5-8 
D. He Is the Creative Word   John 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17
E. These four truths, taken as one give us the clear teaching that Jesus is the pre-existent Word of God. 
II. Jesus Is the Personalized Word   
 John 1:14  This verse is one of the clearest in all the Bible regarding the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. 
A. The Manner of His Incarnation   John 1:14  
B. The Mystery of His Incarnation    John 1:14  
I John 1:1, John 20:24-29, 
C. The Majesty of His Incarnation   John 1:14, Romans 5:8
III. Jesus Is the Proclaiming Word    John 1:18  
John 14:7-9, Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 1:3
A. He Came to Proclaim Light   John 1:4-9, John 3:36 
B. He Came to Proclaim Life   John 1:10-13, John 6:36-40
John 10:9, John 14:6. 

John 1 The Overview
The Gospel of John was the last of the four Gospels written. The author, Apostle John wrote the last five books of the New Testament, and some believe the Gospel of John was the last written of these five books. The first chapter of John is introductory. It can be divided into three major parts as follows:
I. The Introduction of Christ   John 1:1-5, 9-18
1. The Relationships of Christ   John 1:1-5
2. The Response to Christ   John 1:10-13, 16
3. The Residency of Christ   John 1:14
4. The Replacement by Christ   John 1:17
5. The Revelation by Christ    John 1:18
II. The Introducer of Christ  John 1:6-8, 15, 19-34
1. The Calling of the Introducer   John 1:6-9
2. The Clarification About the Introducer   John 1:8, 9
3. The Confirmation of the Introducer   John 1:15
4. The Critics of the Introducer   John 1:19-28 
5. The Communication by the Introducer John 1:29-34
III. The Introduced to Christ  John 1:35-51
1. The First Three   John 1:35-42
• The communications from John. John 1:36
• The conversions of Andrew and John. John 1:37
• The communion with Christ. John 1:38, 39
2. The Following Two  John 1:43-51
• The conversion of Nathanael. 
First, the communication to Nathanael. John 1:45
Second, the challenge by Nathanael. John 1:46
Third, the coming of Nathanael. John 1:46, 47 
Fourth, the cognizance of Nathanael. John 1:47 
Fifth, the curiosity of Nathanael. John 1:48
Sixth, the confession of Nathanael. John 1:49 
Seventh, the compensation for Nathanael. John 1:50
Eighth, the comparison for Nathanael. John 1:51