Dr Tom Hover
February 23, 2025
Matthew 5:8 / Matthew 5:9
Purity = Integrity and Integrity = Purity
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Introduction: The Word Purity put in the mirror of meaning is Integrity and The Word Integrity put into the mirror of meaning is Purity. A person of Integrity is a person of a Pure of Heart and A person of a Pure Heart is a person of Integrity. When the Jesus talks about being Pure in Heart, He is saying Be Passionate about staying pure, free from Contamination and Corruption in the Whole of your being. Integrity/Purity is the heartbeat of any servant’s ministry. It is more important than talent, charisma, intelligence, or oratorical ability. Without integrity or pureness of oneself, you may reach the heights but not true success; impress the crowd for a while but not the Master; soar like a skyrocket but finally descend like a burned-out stick. All human beings care about integrity very much. How? They want everybody else to have it. Integrity is what we look most in the other person. Even a criminal setting about to commit a crime wants integrity in his or her accomplice. If you join a gang, you have to be a man (or woman) of your word. If you are not, they may hurt you or even kill you.
A.) By the Dictionary
B.) By Dr. Tom Hover - Biblical "Integrity." / “Purity”
Being a whole person, undivided, not contaminated or corrupted by impurities. Possessing a godly character and firm core principles: the quality of steadfast adherence to high moral principles and professional standards.
C.) By Etymology
D.) By Society
A.) In Our Personal Life
B.) In Our Social Life
C.) In Our Vocational Life Colossians 3:23,3:17
D.) In Our Devotional Life Job 4:6, NKJV, Proverbs 10:9, NLT
A.) Delivered Through Character
1. Honesty 2. Nobility 3. Purity 4. Dependability 5. Accountability
B.) Delivered Through Courage
1. To do the right thing regardless of those around you.
2. To do the right thing if no one is around.
3. To stand firm on Godly principles. II Peter 1:3-4
C.) Delivered Through Confidence
1. In The Inspired Word - (The Written Word) Romans 10:17
2. In The Incarnate Word - (The Word in Flesh) John 1:1,14
3. In The Embodied Word - (The Word Displayed in the body) John 1:14
D.) Delivered Though Consistency
E.) Delivered Through Contagiousness
We all will have an effect on someone today for good or bad.
Romans 14:7
1. Integrity/Purity Penetrates Matthew 5:13
2. Integrity / Purity Illuminates Matthew 5:14-16
3. Integrity / Purity Permeates
4. Integrity / Purity Illustrates
The Power of Excellence, The Blessedness of Goodness,
The Warmth of Trust
Conclusion: Matthew 5:8
A.) The Importance of The Heart Proverbs 4:23
B.) The Problems of The Heart
1. We Have a Diseased Heart Jeremiah 17:9, Mark 7:20- 23
2. We Have a Deceitful Heart Jeremiah 17:9
3. We Have a Diagnosed Heart Jeremiah 17:10
a. Our Heart Is Reviewed by God Jeremiah 17:10, Hebrews 4:13
b. Our Heart Is Revealed by God Jeremiah 7:10
C. The Healer of The Heart I Corinthians 4:5, Jeremiah 24:7
D. The Reward of The Heart Matthew 5:8, II Corinthians 4:4 Hebrews 11:27, Luke 11:34, Psalm 139:23-24, Psalm 57:7
Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.